Do you believe that only women sell Avon? If so, you’re mistaken. Real men sell Avon. Did you know that some of the top sales leaders in Avon are men? Here is just an example of a few men that make Avon work for them.

Carlos Garcia and wife Milagros Garcia Their team of Superstars is over 900 strong with annual sales exceeding $2.4 million. Carlos is one of the first men in the U.S. to certify as an ANEW skin care specialist. Additionally he proudly serves his community as a professional Firefighter/Paramedic.

Jeanpierre Bongiovi #1 Independent Sales Representative in North America! “I remember sitting down with my mother and divisional manager 2 years ago and stating how I wanted to be the top selling Avon Representative in the country. And here I am today living my dream,” explains Jeanpierre.

Timothy Brown sells at President’s Council Level which is $110,000 in personal sales annually!

Lee Bibb is the man behind Molly Stone Bibb and the Onward! No Matter What! Team. I have met Lee personally and he supports Molly and her business while building a sales team of his own. These men are true inspirations! Want to hear more about Avon men and their work life balance? Check out advice for working Avon dads! What’s Next?
- Comments below: Who do you know that would be a good Avon man?
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