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Top 7 Avon Leaders to Follow

Top 7 Avon Leaders to Follow

Top 7 Avon Leaders to Follow

Top 7 Avon Leaders to Follow on Facebook!

One of the Avon Rep benefits include having a HUGE resource of information from current successful Avon leaders. I have been a part of these groups for quite a long time and find them all wonderful for their individual reasons. I have been fortunate enough to be friends with many of these ladies too! Life as the Avon Lady is awesome!

Here’s my list of Top 7 Avon Leaders to Follow on Facebook!

Just so you know: Most groups monitor who is added. You must be a current Avon Representative to be a part. To be approved, please have Avon in your job history or as one of your listed websites of your Facebook profile.

    • Onward! No Matter What!  Created by Molly Stone-Bibb and Lee Bibb. View files, open question forum, conference call reminders and videos. Molly tells tells representatives how to build a business and get off your butt! She is straight forward but very likeable, lovable and kind! I met Molly at the Ride of Life event at Lisa Wilber’s house and she lived up to her big personality (and big hair) reputation!
    • Avon Rep Training by Timeless Beauty Lessons – Jennifer Francis and Emily Stephens run this group and share business, selling and recruiting tips and tricks with fellow Representatives who are currently working their businesses. A wonderful place to network with other Avon reps!
    • Monday morning Madness – This group is the home of Lisa Wilber, inviting you to discover “the Winner In You”. We share, we talk about all things direct sales and network marketing. Be warned: no whining is allowed. Lisa Wilber makes a ton of money with Avon! Whenever I am asked “Can you make money selling Avon?” I look to Lisa. She is so gracious with her knowledge of Avon business and roots for all representatives to grow and have fun doing it!
    • Avon 101: Tips, Advice & Help to Sell Avon (with Avon Leadership Reps) – This group is run by several Leadership reps. This is an experienced group of reps that are here to help you in your business
    • Reps wearing A.V.O.N. fashion Avon Representatives post a pic of a wearable item and make a short statement about how the fit, feel, and quality of item is. This way all if us reps can see what the item looks like in different sizes. We are not here to judge one another, on what we look like, but this will help us with customers and decisions about different items.
    • Team Consistency for AVON – This group is run by Tim Brown and is his team’s group page for all reps. Tim technically started selling Avon when he was 15 years old under his dad because he wanted to earn money for himself. He stopped selling for a while but started again a couple of years after his dad passed away as a way to honor him. Now, everything he does with Avon, every trip he makes, every sell he completes, is in honor of his dad. Even though Avon is his side gig (!), Tim sells over $110,000 every year, and is one of Avon USA’s elite reps..

Whew! What a list! I’m sure if you join ANY of these groups on Facebook, you will discover new tips and tricks to build your Avon business and put money in your pocket!

What’s Next?:

  • Comment: What is one of your favorite Avon Facebook groups? Who should I add to my list that you find provides valuable information?
  • Looking to become an Avon Rep? Here’s more info!



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