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My nail polish always chips - What can I do?

My nail polish always chips – What can I do?


My nail polish always chips – What can I do?


Chipping nail polish happens to the best of us and I know that my day stinks when my new manicure is ruined.

When your nail surface isn’t cleaned properly and oils are left behind, is when chipping happens.

Oils prevent your basecoat from adhering and it ends up flaking away, taking the polish with it. Some women’s nails are naturally more oily than others.

When paying for manicure services or doing an at home manicure, clean your nails a few times before applying a base coat.

It’s best to use an acetone-base polish remover to remove the natural oils.

Lastly, you will want to apply a top coat to your nails every few days after your manicure. This will ensure that your color stays put and you manicure looks as fabulous as you are!

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